WomensNet News

6 Marketing Tactics Brick-and-Mortar Businesses Should be Using

June 14th 2024

We’ve all heard how online sales continue to increase, but the vast majority of shoppers still want access to a brick-and-mortar location.

In fact, more than 55% of shoppers prefer to visit a brick-and-mortar location first, reports RetailDive. And, according to a June 20 study, more than 65% of buyers prefer shopping inside physical stores, whether to try clothing on, sample cosmetics, or try out an electronic device.

Given this interest in visiting a physical location before making a purchase, the key to increasing sales in your business is to get customers in the door.

Here are 6 things you can do to drive traffic and sales:

In-store events

Give shoppers a reason to come into your business by scheduling a special event. 

Although clearance sales can work, a more profitable approach is to design a unique gathering. If you’re a clothing retailer, how about a trunk show from one of the lines you carry or a free mini color analysis with a $100 purchase? If you run a furniture or home décor store, how about a free seasonal design class? If your business is food-related, how about a cooking class or tablescape lesson?

Ask your shoppers for ideas of what they struggle with, or where they could use help. Then, partner with someone who has that expertise.

Local collaborations

Approaching other local businesses about partnering on a promotion can yield big results for everyone.

One effective tool that retailers have used is a bingo or punch card that requires consumers to visit multiple businesses in order to get their loyalty card punched. Once their card is full, after having visited all of the participating shops, they either win a prize or are entered in a raffle for a larger giveaway. The chance at a desirable gift is often reason enough for shoppers to stop in.

You can set the timeframe for the promotion, such as a week or a weekend, and divide up the responsibilities for managing it amongst all of the businesses. Or create your own local event and include all of your marketing partners.

Design a loyalty program

Another way to get customers to come back repeatedly is to incentivize them.

Give them a reason to buy from your business over your competitors. A customer loyalty program can be one way to encourage repeat purchases. Depending on your technology platform, you can track purchases using a phone number or name, or you can keep it old school with a paper punch card that you fill in at every visit. Lu’s Back Door consignment shop tracks purchases using retail software while nail salons frequently use business card-sized loyalty cards.

Customers receiving something in return for their loyal patronage, like a free product or in-store credit, can help boost purchase frequency.

Invest in curb appeal

There’s a reason big retailers in New York City spend months planning and prepping their big windows with eye-catching holiday scenes each December – because it gives shoppers a reason to come visit.

You can do the same year-round. Put aside some money to spiff up your storefront, whether that involves seasonal plantings and flower pots, entertaining signage, or window displays. The more frequently you change the look and feel of your space, the more reasons buyers will have to come back.

The more inviting your store is from the outside, the more people will want to come inside.

Connect on Instagram first

Photo and video are the tools of choice on Instagram, which is perfect for catching the attention of local consumers.

Use Instagram to showcase photos of new merchandise, video tutorials of new ways of using products, and offer reels of helpful tips that can lead your shoppers to buy more from you. Make sure you also include links to products and services on your website so that customers outside of your area can buy from you as well.

Build a community of fans and customers

Not everyone loves Facebook, but it sure is useful for building free groups.

Setting up a Facebook group for fans, prospects, and customers is another way you can stay in touch with them – they become a captive audience of sorts. Within the group, you can then offer special discounts, share information about upcoming promotions, and give them a first look at new merchandise. You can also upload photos of what’s going on inside the business to entice them to come back in.

Facebook groups are a way to connect with your customers and turn them into advocates for your business.

Yes, everyone loves the convenience of ordering products online – but not all products and not all the time. Local brick-and-mortar businesses are still where most people want to shop and spend their money.

Provide local and out-of-town shoppers a peek into your business and an incentive to visit.

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