Frequently Asked Questions

How long has the Amber Grant been awarded?

The Amber Grant was created in 1998 to empower women business owners. Today, we award over $30,000 each month to different grant winners — including THREE $10,000 Amber Grant recipients.

WomensNet and the Amber Grant have received national media exposure in outlets like Forbes, USA Today,, and Yahoo! for our work in helping women-owned businesses.

How do you select grant winners, and when is it announced?

It’s a simple, straightforward process. The WomensNet Team reviews/evaluates grant applications daily and selects monthly finalists for our 3 monthly $10,000 grants.  We discuss each finalist and vote to determine a winner. The $10,000 monthly grant winners (Amber Grant, Start-Up Grant, and Business-Specific Grant) are announced by the 21st of the FOLLOWING month. This news goes public via Facebook, our website and our email list. If you’ve applied, you’ve automatically been added to our email list.

All businesses selected for one of the three monthly $10,000 grants are automatically eligible for our three (3) year-end Amber Grants ($25,000).  While considering Voting results, updates from the monthly Amber Grant winners and other factors, we select the three (3) $25,000 winners in December and announced in January.

If you are awarded a grant, we will contact you using an email from our official domain:


What other grants do you award, and how do I apply? 

WomensNet funds several women’s business grants throughout the year.  To be considered for all these grants, you only need to apply ONCE for the Amber Grant.  You’ll then be considered for all of the grants for which you’re eligible. The only place to apply for our grants is on this website. You can see the list of all of our grants right here.

Am I eligible to apply for a WomensNet grant?

As long as you’re a woman who is 18 years or older, your business is 50% women-owned, and operates in the United States or Canada — you’re eligible to apply.

Are non-profits eligible?

Yes, non-profits are eligible. Non-profit organizations that are revenue-generating are eligible for our grants. To qualify, non-profit businesses must have 501(c)(3) status, and at least 50% of their top leadership, including the Board President or CEO, must be women.

If I haven't started my business yet, am I eligible to apply?

Yes!  Our monthly $10,000 Start-Up Grant was designed for women just like you.  We give this grant to pre-revenue businesses as well as businesses that have earned less than $10,000 in revenue.

How do I apply for the different monthly grants?

We made the application process super simple. Just answer a two-question application and you’re automatically considered for any and all of the three grants that apply to you or your business.

When is the deadline to submit my application?

The deadline is the last day of each month at 11:59:59 pm Eastern Time. Just keep in mind that our three $10,000 grants run monthly. The year-end grants are $25,000 and will be awarded to one of the 12 monthly recipients in December.

How do I know that you've received my application?

Once we receive your application, we’ll send an email confirmation. This email contains information on the process and a link to our exclusive marketing guide. Be sure to check your spam if you don’t see the email within a short time.

Who selects the grant winners?

What criteria do you use to select a grant winner?

1. Your story. We’re looking for qualities like passion, business savvy, and vision. Women who believe in what they’re doing tend to make us believers, too.

2. Plans for growing/starting your business. We’re not looking for a formal business plan. Just some explanation of how you’ll achieve business success. It might include some mention of your market, your team, the things you’ve overcome so far, and the challenges you still face.

3. Plans for the grant money. Tell us how you would invest the money if you won. Be as detailed as you can.

You can view application tips here as well as sample feedback on many applications on our blog.

What types of businesses do you select as winners?   

Grant winners aren’t limited to any “type” of business. We’ve had all kinds receive grants with a focus on everything from sunscreen to literacy programs. You can view our past recipients here.

If I apply for one month and don’t receive a grant, am I automatically enrolled for the next month?

Since the grants run on a month-to-month basis, applications for the $10,000 Amber Grant do not roll forward. The exception is if your business falls into any of our business-specific categories. Your application will be considered for each of those categories — which means you can be eligible for multiple opportunities to win a grant with one application. You can read about all of our grants here.

May I reapply? When?

Yes, you can reapply, but you should only consider doing this when something significant has changed to your business model or circumstances that has positively impacted your company.

Our system will not allow a second application with the same email within 3 months. Beyond that, you can re-apply through the same application page.

Do I need a website to apply? 

You don’t. However, it’s very helpful if you provide a social media profile from your company — ideally Facebook.

Why do you charge an application fee? Do you charge additional fees if I'm awarded a grant?

The fee makes the grant and operation of the site — including reviewing each application, much like a college application — possible. If you would like us to consider waiving your application fee, please email us at

The nominal $15 application fee is the only fee we charge. We NEVER ask for money to disburse our grants.

Can I receive feedback on my application?

We do not provide individual feedback on applications.  We do, however, offer many sample application feedback articles on our blog ».

What are your social media accounts?

We mostly focus on Facebook, where we have a great community. You can also find us on X, Instagram and LinkedIn.

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What people are saying about WomensNet


“You have to be in it to win it...seize the opportunity and apply.”

Nerd Wallet

“Every month, WomensNet awards three $10,000 Amber Grants to women-owned businesses. At the end of each year, monthly grant winners are eligible to receive one of three $25,000 annual grants.”


“Launched 20 years ago this grant honors the memory of a young woman who wanted to be an entrepreneur but died at age 19 before she could achieve her goal.”


“The Amber Grant offers three $10,000 grants to women-owned businesses each month. Then, at the end of each year, WomensNet gives an additional $25,000 to three grant winners from that year.”

Essence Magazine

“This organization offers monthly grants of up to $10,000 to support female entrepreneurs starting businesses. Those who qualify for these grants are also in the running for a yearly $25,000 grant.”