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Creating a Profitable Black Friday Sales Offer

Saturday, November 11th, 2023

Whether you are a fan of Black Friday shopping or not, billions of dollars in sales are transacted on the Friday after Thanksgiving each year. In 2022, between Black Friday and Cyber Monday, $20.4 billion was spent

Part of the reason for the huge spike is that some buyers hold off on purchases until Black Friday in the hopes of getting a great deal. An estimated 47% of people buy something on Black Friday that they had wanted “for a while” and end up purchasing at a discount, according to Tidio.

Although retail sales are the biggest beneficiaries of all that spending, with clothing, jewelry, and beauty products being the big winners in recent years, companies in all industries should take advantage of the opportunity to offer a special deal to their customers and prospects. 

In fact, customers may be waiting, hoping for an offer they can’t refuse from you.

Designing a Tempting Black Friday Offer

Retailers have trained consumers to expect deep discounts, freebies, or special promotions on Black Friday. Use that anticipation and excitement to offer a special deal to your customers and prospects, who may very well have been waiting for you to give them a reason to buy from you.

However, don’t get so caught up in the season that you mark your products or services down too much. You still want every sale to be profitable.

Some ways to package or repackage what you sell include:

Free Gift with Purchase

Cosmetic brands have been using this technique for decades with great success. Take a cue from them by promising a free gift with each purchase over a certain dollar amount on Black Friday or Cyber Monday. That gift should be generic enough to be useful to nearly every customer, complementary to what you sell, and valuable enough to make them want to spend enough to get it.

For example, if you sell jewelry, you could throw in a jewelry cleaning solution. If you sell content, such as a certain number of articles and blog posts, you could throw in a free 90-day content calendar for every client who commits to a six-month package. Or if you run a restaurant, you could give away a free dessert with every gift card purchase. Think about what your clients would most appreciate and find a way to give them a variation that won’t cost you a lot of time or money.

Bundle Several Products Together

Another approach to providing an unbeatable deal to your target market is to bundle several items together—they can be products or services—and then discount the total retail price.

For example, if you run a beauty salon, you could offer a day of beauty that includes a haircut, color, facial, and manicure and pedicure at a price that is less than what all five services typically cost when purchased separately. If you’re a florist, you could sell a year of flowers, where the recipient receives a new bouquet of your choice on the first of every month, priced at less than what 12 arrangements would cost. Or if you’re a personal trainer, you could offer a package deal of a set number of workouts, plus a yoga mat and massage for less than what the bundle costs every other day of the year. 

Be creative! What combinations do your customers frequently buy together? Use that as your guide to bundling.

Limited Edition Product

Another option is to create something unique that will only be sold on Black Friday. 

Although not a Black Friday offer, Fisher-Price creates a limited edition Little People toy collection of Buffalo Bills football players each fall, with a portion of the profits going to a Buffalo charity. You could do something similar. A clothing retailer could make a special edition top or scarf, for example. An interior designer could sell a special edition holiday pillow or tablescape. A bakery could sell a limited edition cookie or cake. When you sell out of the item, it won’t be available again.

Charity Collaboration

You could also partner with a charity and announce that a portion of sales for the day will be donated to that organization. You could choose to donate a portion of all your sales that day or designate a specific product or service and have a portion of the sales for those items be donated.

For example, if you run a car wash, you could have 25% of all sales of monthly passes donated to your charity of choice. If you’re a gift shop, you could have sales of a particular brand set aside for the charity. Likewise for an art or craft supply shop—you could have a percentage of sales of a particular product category or brand donated.

The advantage of partnering is that the charity can support you by encouraging its donors to make a purchase from you on Black Friday. Even if you donate a portion of sales, if the charity can send you additional business, the increased volume could help replace those dollars.

Massive Discount

Of course, Black Friday is known for the steep discounts major retailers announce. Those big savings are what many shoppers are looking for, however, you don’t necessarily have to offer huge savings all day long.

Some retailers have hourly deals, where the earliest shoppers save the most. NTY Clothing Exchange Pittsford, for example, typically offers 40% off nearly everything in the consignment store for the first hour that it is open on Black Friday. However, every hour after, the percent discount declines by 10%. So, during the second hour shoppers only get a 30% discount, and the third hour it drops to 20%. That’s another way to push customers to shop early.

But don’t feel pressure to slash prices if you can’t afford it. If your margins are thin, consider hosting a special event on Black Friday instead, such as a demonstration, free class, or even just free refreshments. Make your business a Black Friday destination and you may not need to design a major sales promotion.

How to Better Secure Your Business from Theft

Friday, October 27th, 2023

News that Target, Whole Foods, and Nordstrom are closing some stores in 2023 due to increasing incidents of theft underscores how expensive crime can be. 

The cost to companies is in the billions of dollars collectively, the U.S. Department of Commerce says. But if major corporations are retreating due to the negative impact theft is having on their businesses, imagine the impact theft has on smaller businesses without the cash reserves or financial resources larger organizations do.

So, what can you do to protect your company from crime?

Although nothing is ever foolproof, there are some steps you can take to make it more difficult for unscrupulous people to steal from you.

Preventing theft from inside

A report from Willis North America estimates that employees account for as much as 90% of all corporate theft. Given this massive statistic, focusing prevention efforts on folks inside the business makes a lot of sense.

Some of the best tactics you can use to curb theft from employees, suppliers, vendors, and visitors include:

  • Careful screening of job applicants. Before you ever allow anyone access to your business, do a thorough background check. In addition to interviewing them, talk to people they’ve worked with to get a better sense of their personality and work ethic (LinkedIn is great for that). Some companies run a personal credit check to see if the candidate is responsible with money.
  • Locking down company assets. This includes tangible assets like raw materials, files, and inventory as well as intangibles, such as processes, intellectual property, and finances. Make it difficult for anyone to walk off with goods that aren’t theirs by instituting a sign-off policy, for example, or an approval process that forces multiple eyes to look over a request. Intangible assets, such as computer-based documents and information, can be protected through passwords and online tracking. One-third of employee theft cases occur due to lack of internal controls, or checks and balances set up to spot bad behavior, reports the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners.
  • Using purchase orders. By generating purchase orders that need to be checked against delivered products and services, you create a paper trail that can help reduce the opportunity for employees to pocket some cash or product.
  • Guarding your checkbook. Instead of handwriting checks for payment, print checks out once they are registered in your bookkeeping system. That will make it easier to spot any checks that are missing. Also, lock your checks up in a safe to restrict access to them.
  • Installing security cameras. A physical security system that monitors hallways and common areas can help keep an eye on suspicious movements or behavior. You may not want to invade your employees’ privacy by installing cameras in offices, however, and it may not be legal.
  • Setting up an anonymous process for reporting theft. Sometimes employees want to do the right thing and alert management to what’s going on without any backlash. To make it possible for employees to alert you to underhanded dealings that are going on, create an anonymous reporting process, such as a physical suggestion box or online form, and encourage employees to speak up.

Although the majority of theft is attributed to workers inside the company, it still makes sense to prevent outsiders from breaking in, too. 

Providing external security

To prevent others from breaking in to steal from your company, there are a number of physical security tactics you can employ:

  • Reduce the number of entryways. The fewer the public access points, the less monitoring you need to do. Direct visitors to one entry and keep delivery area doors locked. You can designate employee-only entries and keep sensitive areas inside, like counting rooms, locked. Whenever an employee leaves the company, change the locks or passcodes to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Increase exterior lighting. There’s a reason many businesses have exterior flood lights shining brightly — because lighting has been found to deter criminals from trying to break in. In fact, 75% of commercial break-ins are due to inadequate lighting. Keeping some lights on inside is also a good idea, to make it obvious when something is going on that shouldn’t be. 
  • Add a layer of living deterrent. In addition to adding lighting, consider planting thorny bushes under windows to make it uncomfortable for thieves to attempt to access via the windows.
  • Make windows less breakable. Since thieves often attempt to gain entry by smashing windows, apply a protective window film to make it more difficult for robbers to get through. The film is still permeable, eventually, but may make it time-consuming enough to deter someone from trying to get in.
  • Invest in exterior cameras. In addition to strategically placed cameras indoors, pointed at doors and hallways, for example, installing exterior cameras to monitor doorways, walkways, and parking lots can add a level of security that can help keep thieves at bay.

In addition to implementing processes and technology to safeguard your people and property, consider adding insurance to help cover the cost of replacing anything that is stolen. Few business owners ever regret the investments they make in securing their companies.

Maximize Your Business Deductions Before Year-End

Saturday, October 14th, 2023

As we head into the busiest and most profitable time of year for retailers, restaurants, and holiday-related companies, businesses of all types should start to assess where they are financially. 

That is, how is your business performing revenue-wise? Are you ahead of projections or behind? How about expenses? Has your cash outflow for costs tracked with what you expected, or have you spent more than you anticipated by this time in the year? How about headcount? Orders? Utilities? Shipping?

With three-quarters of the year behind us, it’s time to evaluate where you are with respect to where you wanted to be when you set goals back in January. Once you know where you stand, you can then strategize how to improve your financial position before the year is actually over.

Of course, we are not your accountant or legal advisor, so be certain to check with your accountant before you execute any of these potential tactics. Your state or county’s regulations may be different, and whether you use a cash or accrual-based system will also impact whether these ideas can work for you.

Invest in needed technology and equipment

If you’ve been considering upgrading your computer system or buying equipment that will make your business run more efficiently or smoothly and you have profits you can invest, before the end of the year might be a good time to buy them. By using available funds to pay for assets that will benefit your business long-term, you’ll improve the value of your company while reducing your short-term tax obligation.

Stock up for next year

Or, if you determine that your taxes owed will be higher than you’d like, one way to reduce your burden is by increasing your expenses. Just spending money frivolously is never good for business, but investing in materials you know you’ll need next year could be a good idea. 

Buying raw materials in advance that you know you’ll need later, such as to manufacture inventory or to keep your shelves filled, printer running smoothly, and employees productive, could be a smart money-saving tactic. 

Office supplies, software subscriptions, packing materials, and/or utility bills could fall into this category. 

Paying now for next year’s expenses is another potential move, such as association memberships, travel, or training and education fees. Check the refund policy closely, however, in case plans change or people leave and you no longer need those memberships or travel arrangements.

Make charitable gifts

Another way to reduce your taxes is by giving more money away to charity. If you’ve been considering making a cash or in-kind gift to an organization on behalf of your business, sending the check before year-end can help reduce your tax bill.

Fund your retirement plan

If your business offers all employees a retirement plan, such as a 401(k) or simplified employee pension (SEP), you could consider paying out a bonus into those accounts. It’s likely all employees need to receive compensation, whether they have a retirement account through your business, however, so definitely check on how to handle that before you start making deposits.

Delay billing

Another potential strategy – again, check with your accountant – is to push billing for products or services you’ve sold in late 2023 into 2024, so as to reduce your revenue for this year. This is generally legitimate if you will continue to service the client into the new year. If all of your work will conclude in 2023, however, you should bill in the year in which the work was done.

However, you won’t count the income this year unless your client also makes payment this year; if they opt to pay in 2024, the revenue gets credited to next year’s books.

This is risky, however, because if your clients’ fortunes change in the next few months, there’s no guarantee they’ll be able to pay in January. Weigh the risk of never getting paid against getting paid now but having to pay higher taxes on that revenue.

Again, please check with your accountant before implementing any of these tax-saving measures, but also explore what else you might do to hold onto more of your hard-earned revenue. Bench Accounting has a handy list of common business deductions that you should check to ensure you’re claiming all the deductions to which you’re entitled.

Improving Your Circle of Friends

Thursday, September 28th, 2023

Motivational speaker Jim Rohn famously said, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

Which means that the results you’ve been achieving individually and as a business owner have been impacted by the people in your inner circle. They are your role models, your counselors, and your confidants, and they influence the decisions you make about your personal and professional life.

The conversations you have, the topics you discuss, and the feedback you get are all driven by the type of people you have surrounded yourself with.

Your circle determines the conversations

So, for example, if you have people around you who are struggling financially, you probably won’t pick up tips and tricks from them that will help you thrive. 

It’s a lot like sports. If you play tennis, for example, your performance will improve or weaken depending on your opponent. Want to improve? Play against people who are better than you are. Because if you only play against people you know you can beat, your skills will atrophy. You’ll get worse, not better.

There’s no judgment here—we ALL encounter financial struggles from time to time. But if all of your friends and colleagues are only getting by, then you probably aren’t having positive conversations about money with them that can boost your wealth. Conversations such as which stocks are doing really well, what types of real estate investments could make the most sense given your financial goals, new side hustles to explore, and when everyone is aiming to retire. If no one around you is brainstorming how to make a million, it may be harder for you to change your money mindset.

This is not to say you should walk away from those friends. Not at all. Close friends are important. But that doesn’t mean you can’t make new friends.

Cultivate relationships with people you look up to

Consider adding new people to your circle of friends and associates who are living a life you aspire to have. Ideally, they are entrepreneurs or business owners who are working on growing their companies.

By growing closer to people who are role models for some aspect of your life, you enhance your ability to improve that area of your life. For example, if you aspire to be in a satisfying personal relationship, surrounding yourself with people who have managed to do that will help you figure out how to attract and find someone who is a good partner for you. 

Likewise, if you surround yourself with people who are committed to remaining single and have only negative things to say about potential partners, you will naturally repel someone who could be good for you, even if it’s unintentional.

To find people to look up to, you may need to change the events you attend or the activities you engage in. 

Finding a mastermind of people in your industry or who are striving to hit $1 million in sales, for example, could be one way to learn new business development strategies or to forge new business relationships. Groups like Toastmasters can be good for improving your public speaking skills. Networking organizations like BNI can connect you with other business people looking to trade business leads. Your local Chamber of Commerce can provide chances for you to mix and mingle with local business owners. And Rotary and Kiwanis Clubs are where local community leaders frequently gather.

But there’s no need to limit yourself to local, in-person networking.

If your business is national or global, rather than local, then find groups of like-minded entrepreneurs online. There are thousands of Facebook and LinkedIn groups where you can connect with people on a similar journey who are in other parts of the country or world. Not to mention industry and professional organizations with online discussion forums in which you can participate.

There are many places for you to turn, both in person and online, to connect with like-minded, ambitious people who can be good for you and your business.

Become a follower

Not all relationships need to be up close and personal, too. You may want to become BFFs with your industry’s leading influencer but that doesn’t mean they have time to get to know you. That’s okay.

Do all you can to consume information that they’re sharing about their work life. Do they have a podcast? Have they written any books? Are there any interviews they’ve done that you can read or listen to? Do they have a blog?

There are many possible ways you can enter their orbit (meaning be influenced by them) without being physically near them.

But if you start following them online, you may eventually learn that they’ll be speaking at a conference you can attend, or participating in a workshop you could travel to.

Surrounding yourself with people who are farther ahead in their business growth can help pull you forward just by watching and listening to how they make decisions. Following in their footsteps is easier when you get together with them regularly to hear what challenges and successes they’re having. 

As you spend more time with people who have been business owners longer than you have, whose companies are generating more revenue than yours, and whose net worth is higher than yours, the faster your business and wealth will also grow. Because the average of the five people you spend the most time with will have improved.

Planning for the Most Productive Q4 You’ve Ever Had in Business

Sunday, September 17th, 2023

You’ve probably heard that there are two times of the year when people typically stop to plan out the next few months. 

The most common time for reflection and planning is at New Year’s, because you have the whole year looming large in front of you. The second most popular time is around Labor Day. The end of summer and start of the new school year here in the U.S. is a natural time for people to stop and take stock of their year and to think ahead about how to wrap up all those projects they had on their to-do list for this year.

This is especially smart for business owners, so you can make the most of the opportunities that emerge in the fourth quarter.

How are things going?

Before you plot or adjust your business strategy for October through December, it’s always a good idea to reflect on what has gone well so far this year. 

What have you accomplished that you had planned to, such as attracting a certain number of social media followers, hitting a revenue target, hiring key employees, and/or rolling out new products or services? Pat yourself on the back for those successes.

Then take a look at what’s still on your annual plan that you haven’t completed. Have you not accomplished them because you haven’t initiated them, such as a marketing campaign, or are they not done because your plan didn’t succeed? What didn’t go as you had expected?

Knowing what’s working and what’s not is key to finishing the year strong. Keep doing what’s going well and try a new approach to what hasn’t worked. That might mean delegating tasks you haven’t gotten to, redesigning your approach to your goal, or replacing a task with something that has a better chance of achieving your ultimate objective, among other things.

Unless you’ve checked off every goal you set at the start of the year, now is not the time to introduce a slew of new goals, however. Focus is key. Don’t get distracted. Pull up the goals that you had determined were essential for your company’s success this year and brainstorm how best to reach them in the next 100 days left in the year.

Product-based businesses: gear up for the holiday season

Retailers and manufacturers that rely on Black Friday for a sales bump should already be prepared. Labor Day is frequently the deadline by which inventory needs to be ordered or raw materials procured and in-house. If you run a product-based business, your focus should be on marketing.

It’s time to attract more buyers to your business when they’re in prime buying mode for the holidays. Whether you sell home goods, wine and liquor, toys, or clothing, you need to start priming the pump, so to speak. Meaning, start promotional campaigns that will draw customers to your place of business or website. Give them reasons to come shop with you.

Service-based businesses also have an opportunity to boost sales during the last quarter. Furniture restoration companies do well this time of year as people try to spruce up their homes before holiday gatherings. Caterers may want to identify freelance helpers for holiday parties, and holiday lighting companies should be advertising hard to sign homeowners who want help this year brightening their homes and yards.

You don’t have to be like Home Depot and start featuring Christmas trees in your retail space, but you can remind customers and prospects that they should start planning now for their holiday activities. That way they can be sure they can get the products and services they want in November and December.

Strategize your marketing activities

If sales in the fourth quarter typically have a big impact on your business’s bottom line, you’ll want to ensure your marketing is sufficient to bring prospects in. What advertising, promotion, social media, events, and other activities do you have planned? 

Given the results of your mini-assessment of the first ¾ of the year, do you need to invest more in marketing to finish the year strong? Are you in need of new tactics because your old ones aren’t working as well?

Or is your business busiest during the warmer months? If so, you may want to taper your promotions a bit for now and allocate more of your marketing money to be spent during the second quarter of next year.

One way to know when it makes the most sense to get in front of prospects is to look at sales reports from previous years. When did most of your sales come in? Then design an advertising and promotional program to make sure customers are thinking about you right before they have a need. 

For example, if you sell a product that sells a massive amount around Mother’s Day, such as custom jewelry, you know that your prime time to promote likely begins in the spring and not so much in October. Plan your marketing to connect with prospects as they’re starting to think about Mother’s Day.

Order client appreciation gifts

Everyone enjoys receiving gifts and thank-you notes; your customers are no different.

Depending on what you sell, start thinking about and planning what you could give customers to show you value their business. It could be a little bonus at checkout, such as a small bottle of festive nail polish for each nail salon client or a free dessert at your restaurant. Lawncare customers could receive a small plant to brighten their homes or offices during the colder months. Executive and personal coaches could give out custom planners to their clients, or a code to download a free app that will enhance and support the coaching they’re receiving.

Presents don’t have to be expensive, but most customers appreciate a token of your thanks.

The key is to plan ahead and place any orders now so that you have your gifts in hand and ready to go by Thanksgiving. Or you can place orders with companies and have deliveries planned for later in the year, so you don’t have to think about it.

Break down what you need to do between now and December 31 by planning backward from the last day you’ll be open this year. Plot week by week what you need to accomplish to hit your sales target and complete those all-important tasks before the New Year. Creating a weekly to-do list will help you stay on top of all the hustle and bustle that usually accompanies this time of year and still help you achieve your annual goals.

5 Easy Ways to Become a More Sustainable Small Business

Friday, September 1st, 2023

Concerns about our planet continue to increase, pushing companies of all sizes to explore how they can reduce their impact on the environment. 

Although smaller companies have a smaller footprint, because there are so many, even minor efforts to minimize the business’s impact on the environment can reap big rewards. In fact, according to the Small Business Administration (SBA) as of 2023 there are more than 33 million small businesses in the U.S. Those businesses employ 61.7 million workers or nearly half (46.4 percent) of the private sector workforce.

Given those numbers, it’s easy to see how even small efforts to curb resource usage can make a difference. Here are five easy ways companies can become more sustainable:

1. Reduce energy consumption

Even if your workspace lease is all-inclusive, meaning you don’t pay separately for heat or electricity, you can still take steps to reduce your company’s energy usage.

One easy way is to swap out all the office lightbulbs and replace them with the LED variety. You can also install light sensors that turn lights off in spaces where no movement is evident after a certain amount of time. Keeping the temperature comfortable but not super chilly during the summer or comfortable but not toasty during the winter can also help; turn your thermostat up or down a couple of degrees.

2. Go paperless

Reducing your reliance on paper can save money and improve sustainability. U.S. offices go through 12.1 trillion sheets of paper. A year. That’s an average of 10,000 sheets a year per office worker.

Cutting back on your paper usage can mean everything from sending statements and invoices online to online bill paying, receipts, sending event invitations online, sending newsletters online, catalogs online—virtually anything that is printed can be converted into digital form to avoid having to print it out. Going digital also has financial benefits, with lower (or no) printing and mailing costs.

3. Become a hybrid workforce

Unless your business needs employees to be on-site in order to function, such as if you run a doggie day care, a restaurant, or a manufacturing operation, consider allowing your staff to work from home part of the week. Not only does that improve employee satisfaction, since many employees prefer not to have to trek into the office, but it reduces your employees’ energy usage en route.

Not having to commute to work saves time, reduces energy consumption (by not having to pay for gas, tolls, and parking or for public transportation), and saves money (by reducing the need for work attire and lunches out). At the same time, fewer employees on-site then reduces energy consumption at work.

4. Source materials locally

The shorter the distance your raw materials or products need to travel, the lower the negative impact on the environment. Having to transport materials cross-country generates more pollution and burns more gas than if you could purchase the same items in your zip code.

Consider finding business suppliers closer to your operations to reduce energy usage and shipping costs. An added bonus is that you can support other smaller businesses in your area.

5. Use environmentally friendly packing materials

If you ship products out to customers, look into recycled or sustainable packaging materials. Rather than stuffing boxes with plastic packing peanuts, which are terrible for the environment, consider instead starch-based peanuts, cardboard, and paper, biodegradable bubble wrap or mailers, mycelium, or bagasse paper to keep shipments safe.

At the same time, reducing the amount of packaging you use can also reduce your company’s environmental impact. Rather than triple-packing products in oversized boxes, try to be more compact. Find boxes that more closely fit the size of the product.

Sure, there are other steps you can take, too, such as recycling all office paper, putting all software and files in the cloud, and pursuing a green business certification if you want to go all in. But committing to even one of the above efforts will make a difference. Reducing your company’s energy consumption and wasting of resources can have a positive impact on our environment.

Where to Find Free Business Training

Wednesday, August 23rd, 2023

Success in business often comes down to what you know. You need to know enough to come up with ideas that can be turned into a profitable business, of course.

That’s the basis of entrepreneurship. 

But if you have no business experience, or lack expertise in a particular type of venture and want to quickly get up to speed, enrolling in online courses can help. Some entrepreneurs get started as college students or in MBA programs, but you don’t have to. 

Fortunately, there are free programs offered through schools, companies, government agencies, and nonprofits to help you gain the knowledge you may currently lack.

Some places to start to look for free online training include:

Bank of America Institute for Women’s Leadership at Cornell

This free six-module certificate program offered through Cornell and sponsored by the Bank of America is for female entrepreneurs with 0 to 5 years of experience. Individual classes cover topics ranging from creating your venture to funding it, growing it, and protecting it. To be considered, complete an application at the website.

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)

MOOCs are courses offered through colleges and universities that are free but do not provide credits for participation that could be applied toward a degree. Schools large and small make some of their business courses available to the general public online. All you need to do is register. Here are some that might be useful for newer entrepreneurs:

MIT’s Who Is Your Customer course walks you through the process of determining who you should be targeting with your marketing messages. The course includes assessing which target customers will be willing to pay for your products or services, which is at the core of running a profitable business.

University of Maryland College Park’s course on startup funding is for business owners who are clear about what they’re selling and who their target market is, but who need funding in order to scale the business.

The University of Pennsylvania’s free course on opportunity development teaches students “how to test, prototype, and validate an idea.”

The University of California at Davis offers an introduction to website development, to help newer entrepreneurs set up shop online.

LinkedIn Learning

Although not specifically targeted at entrepreneurs, LinkedIn Learning offers free career-enhancing modules related to everything from managing people to managing stress levels.


Grow with Google offers several online certificate programs for adults looking to improve their expertise as a way to build new skills. One program, for example, is all about digital marketing and ecommerce.

New York Public Library

The Thomas Yoseloff Business Center at SNL at the New York Public Library holds regular free online events, some of which are relevant to small business owners. A recent series hosted by Elaine Pofeldt, for example, covered how to build a million-dollar one-person business.

Small Business Administration (SBA)

The SBA’s Ascent program for women working to grow their businesses is a free series of resources, including assessments and instruction available on the platform.

The SBA’s Office of Women’s Business Ownership(OWBO)  also provides training and connections to help women uncover government contracting opportunities.

Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE)

Also part of the SBA, SCORE offers its own free online courses on entrepreneurship to help business owners improve their internal systems, find more customers, and secure needed funding.

If you’re looking for a specific type of course, to address an interest you have or a training need, a Google search is always a good starting point. Also check local community colleges and universities for relevant classes they may have, as well as community centers. It’s very likely a class exists that will provide all of the skill-building you need, though it may or may not be free—be sure to check that before you sign up.

How Small Businesses Can Sell on Amazon

Monday, July 31st, 2023

Amazon dominates the online retail industry, owning 37.8% of the US market. It generated $356 billion in sales in the US alone in 2022. 

However, Amazon doesn’t just sell its own products. In fact, it started by selling products manufactured by other companies and has only recently started branding its own offerings. This offers a huge opportunity for product-based ventures.

Businesses of any size can sell through Amazon. You don’t even have to have an established company or brand to become an Amazon seller. 

Getting started

If you’d like to gain access to Amazon’s customer base to sell to them, the first step is setting up an Amazon seller account

You basically have two choices when it comes to seller accounts. One option is establishing an Individual account, which is for lower volume sellers. You’ll be charged $.99 every time one of your products sells. This plan is best for sellers who are just starting out or who don’t expect to sell more than 40 units a month. When your orders exceed 40 monthly, you’ll want to consider upgrading to a Professional account.

Professional accounts cost a flat $39.99/month, no matter how much you sell.

However, there are other fees on top of your account costs. Amazon charges referral fees that start at $.30/item and go up from there on a percentage basis, generally averaging between 8% and 15%. This fee is in addition to your account fees and is essentially to pay Amazon for sending you customers. 

Finally, you may also pay fulfillment fees on top of those two costs if you want Amazon to store and ship your products for you. If you’re handling shipping yourself, also known as merchant-fulfilled, your customers will be charged for shipping and then you’ll receive a credit to cover that cost.

Picking your products

If you have your own product line, you can request permission to sell it on Amazon. On the other hand, if you want to sell brands and products you don’t own, you can also do that with permission.

There are some restrictions that may limit which product categories you can sell in that you’ll want to research first. Some categories require that you’re a Professional account holder, while others require approval from Amazon before you can list anything for sale.

Once you’re cleared to sell in your product category, such as beauty products, fitness items, or home décor, to name a few, you can begin to add them to the Amazon database.

Adding product information on the Amazon selling platform is what officially enables you to sell your goods through Amazon. The information you’ll need to have to list your product for sale includes:

  • A product identifier, such as a UPC code, ISBN, GTIN, or EAN that is unique to your item.
  • A SKU, which you’ll create, to be able to track your particular item.
  • Product details, such as a brand, name, description, and size.
  • Offer details, such as price, quantity, and condition (new or used).
  • Keywords buyers are expected to use in their search for your product.

After you’ve entered all of the relevant details your buyers will want to know, you can make the listing go live, meaning it becomes visible to buyers. Anyone looking for what you have to sell will be presented with your products as options available for purchase.


Some sellers make products available and wait for buyers to find them, which can work if you sell a hot commodity. However, most companies invest money into marketing and advertising campaigns designed to point buyers in your direction.

Within Amazon, you can pay to have your listing featured prominently when buyers search for similar products. These are called Sponsored listings and can be effective, though they do add to your cost.

Outside of Amazon, you’ll want to take every opportunity to tell potential buyers about your products, and to share your Amazon link to drive them there.

Because Amazon provides a direct link to millions of buyers, it can be an effective distribution tool for businesses of all sizes, including yours.

Build Your Business by Starting an Online Community

Monday, July 17th, 2023

Our reliance on the internet for information has dramatically changed how we buy products and services. Easy access to friends, family, colleagues, neighbors, classmates, vendors, and potential customers has increased the time we spend online. And because we collectively spend more time online, more business than ever is being done online.

However, deciding to sell online isn’t as easy as slapping up a website announcing what you’re selling. Sure, that is one way to make it easy for potential customers to find you, but a website in and of itself is generally insufficient. Today, you need to do more to connect with and attract more business.

Part of the cultural shift has to do with where consumers and businesses turn for information. More than ever, buyers are looking for recommendations from people they respect. According to Fronetics, business buyers conduct online research to gather information, investigate company websites; and then check what they find out with peers and colleagues. Recommendations and feedback from those peers are vital to the purchase decision.

Which is likely why more online communities are popping up. Online groups of people with similar interests, qualifications, information needs, or goals are useful for buyers and business owners.

The value of a community

Where businesses benefit from having people who have a connection to their products, services, or brand in an easily accessible online group, members then have access to like-minded people. It’s a win-win.

It’s also free to set up.

Creating a new group on platforms like Facebook or LinkedIn costs the organizer nothing. It’s also relatively easy to do. In Facebook, click on Groups in the navigation bar on the left side of your profile page, and then click on the “Create a new group” button. Similarly, on LinkedIn, click on Groups and then “Create a group.”

Decide which platform you want to host your group by considering where most of your target buyers spend their time. Are they most active on Twitter? LinkedIn? YouTube? Facebook? Go where they are already spending a lot of time, so that participating in your new community becomes an added activity on the platform where they’re already engaging.

Getting started

Creating the group is probably the fastest, easiest step in this whole process, but don’t rush it.

Before you claim space on the internet for your community, think about its purpose. That is, why are you setting it up? 

Are you trying to acquire new customers? Perhaps reduce the cost of acquiring those new customers? Are you trying to improve engagement and satisfaction levels with your existing customers? Do you want to be able to tap into a community for market research? Do you want to build a pool of brand advocates?

Think hard about the primary benefit you hope to achieve by creating a group. That “why” should then drive the name that you choose for this new community.

For example, if your group aspires to bring together female public relations professionals, you may want to select a name that is clear about who belongs there, by using keywords like “women” and “PR.” If you have a YouTube channel for online resellers, your community name should include words that let resellers know they belong there.

This assumes that the group you’re establishing is free to join, rather than a paid membership. (You can certainly set up a paid group, however, there is more involved to connect your payment processor to Facebook and manage memberships.)

Providing value

Because you only get one chance to make a first impression, you’ll want to prove to folks who join the group that they will get value from participating. To do that, you’ll want to fill the feed with useful information before sending out invitations to join. 

You can do that by: 

  • writing blog posts and sharing the link in the group
  • adding reference materials, such as in the Files section of a Facebook group
  • sharing business leads in the news feed 
  • recording short video tutorials
  • welcoming new members as they join

The key is to have useful materials and information already posted in the group before anyone joins. You need to demonstrate the value of being a member the minute they gain access to the group.

Filling it with members

After you’ve walked through all of the steps the platform requires for you to set up a new group, it’s time to start inviting people to join.

One way is to invite all of your current connections to join, by sharing a link to the group itself. 

You can also announce that you’ve created a new group and share the link to join on other platforms, like Instagram, Twitter, or Threads, to get some exposure to people who aren’t already connected to you.

You can ask permission to announce your new group in other groups. You’re more likely to have success if the groups do not compete. If they are complementary, such as retailers located on Main Street or pet-related businesses in your town, you’ll probably have more luck receiving permission.

Inviting new members should become another one of your regular tasks, either daily or weekly. Identify people you’d like to have in your community and invite them. Repeatedly remind current members that you’d like to keep expanding the group and that they’re welcome to invite people in their circle of friends whom they think might find value in the group, too.

Monetizing it

Once your group has at least 300 members, you can consider starting to make sales offers, if that’s part of why you established the group. Those offers might include special members-only deals on your products and services, such as 30% off this weekend only. You could also hold live workshops that lead to an offer at the end, which is more subtle. But make sure that you don’t suddenly start selling 24/7 or your new members will immediately leave. 

They didn’t join to be sold to.

Yes, you can bring up product information casually, such as when you recommend a great new online tool you just found that you wanted them to know about. But don’t do that daily or the value of membership will decline. 

When you make recommendations, be sure to include your affiliate link (as long as the platform you use allows affiliate links), so that you can earn money if anyone in your group buys something.

You can also create training programs and courses that you offer to your group that you believe they would be interested in.

When you bring like-minded groups of people together and provide them with information they want and value, you’ve created a business asset you can monetize and leverage, if that is your intent. Communities can also be valuable for the market research they provide, as well as becoming ambassadors for your brand.

Just be sure you are clear about why you’re creating a group before you set it up and that you’re ready to make an ongoing commitment to engaging with members and sharing information they will find useful.

4 Steps to Attracting More Referral Business

Thursday, June 29th, 2023

Despite all the money businesses spend to attract new business, one of the best ways to gain new customers and clients is through referrals, or having others recommend your product, service, or company to someone else. Used synonymously with “word of mouth marketing,” referrals and recommendations actually generate $6 trillion in consumer spending each year. 

Referrals are big business. 

A study done in 2013 by consulting firm Boston Consulting Group (BCG) reported that referrals, or word of mouth marketing, are between 2 and 10 times more effective than paid advertising at generating sales. 

More recently, Nielsen’s 2021 Trust in Advertising Study found that 88% of consumers trust referrals from people they know more than all other types of marketing. Because we trust the opinion of people we know, like, and trust, we are also more likely to act on a recommendation made by someone in our circle of friends and family.

Yet while 83% of your customers and clients may be more than willing to refer you more business, the sad truth is that only 29% actually will, according to an article in Texas Tech Today. But because referred customers are four times more likely to buy, says Nielsen, they are the best kind of prospect.

So, what can you do to boost the number of referrals you receive?

Educate your customers about your target clientele

People are more likely to refer business to you when they know your ideal customer and understand what you can do for them. Your customers may be familiar with what you do for them but not realize the scope and breadth of all your services, for example. They may associate you with one type of product but not another. 

It’s up to you to inform and educate the market about what you can do. Make sure they’re on your email list and connected with you on social media so they can be exposed to all your marketing messages.

Ask for them

Given that referred customers can increase your profit margin and improve your sales conversion rate by up to 70%, it’s surprising that many small businesses don’t have a referral program in place. 

In order to get referrals, you need to be sure your customer base knows you welcome them. That means asking for them.

Many marketers advise waiting until a project is completed and the client is happy and relieved with the finished product to indicate that you would welcome any business they could refer your way, although some suggest you shouldn’t wait until the very end. 

When customers are appreciative of your hard work is generally the best time to ask for their assistance.

Invest in marketing

Once you’ve asked your current clients to consider referring their colleagues, friends, and/or family your way for similar products or services, the next step is staying top-of-mind. They can only refer you business if they’re thinking of you.

That means pursuing publicity and investing in advertising and promotional tactics that will keep you in front of current and potential customers regularly. Offer to write guest blog posts for organizations where your target customers are members, look for podcasts in need of guests, or put some money into Google Ads so that prospects are regularly exposed to your company name and message.

If your type of product, service, or business is often in the public eye, the chances of conversations occurring that mention you increase. Which means that opportunities for clients to recommend you also increase.

Partner with complementary businesses

Another way to nurture referrals is to identify other businesses that your target customers also likely have a need for. Then start sending them business. 

Before you ask others to refer you their customers, send them some new ones first.

For example, if you’re a caterer, you could refer bridal parties to a wedding cake bakery or reception space. If you’re a hair stylist, you could refer clients to your favorite nail artist. If you’re a management consultant, you could refer colleagues to your go-to graphic designer.

Think about the products and services your target client is likely to have a need for and try to align yourself with them to generate sales for both of you.

Because referred business comes to you often pre-qualified and pre-sold, such customers can be higher profit. They are certainly worth pursuing.

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“The Amber Grant offers three $10,000 grants to women-owned businesses each month. Then, at the end of each year, WomensNet gives an additional $25,000 to three grant winners from that year.”

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“This organization offers monthly grants of up to $10,000 to support female entrepreneurs starting businesses. Those who qualify for these grants are also in the running for a yearly $25,000 grant.”