Amanda and Avery
Grant Recipient

May 7, 2015

Sassy Bambino Wins April’s Qualification Grant

Sassy Bambino and the Heal-A-Boo-Boo Project

Woman Entrepreneur:
Amanda Holdsworth

Congratulations to Amanda Holdsworth, founder of Sassy Bambino and the Heal-A-Boo-Boo Project, for winning the April Qualification Grant.

Continue on to learn all about her inspirational path to entrepreneurship.

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Video Transcript

WN: Share with our readers the story behind Sassy Bambino and the Heal-A-Boo-Boo Project.

AH: I started {sassy} bambino in 2012 after the birth of my first daughter. I made custom shirts and pants for babies that I eventually sold in an Etsy shop with moderate success. However, in April 2013, we received the devastating diagnosis that our little girl had atrial septal defect, a congenital heart defect that required open heart surgery as soon as possible due to the pressures on her tiny heart. To de-stress, I began making her some custom hospital shirts to wear while recovering from surgery since I thought that the hospital-provided gowns weren’t very cozy, warm or cute. The doctors and nurses went crazy over them because they enabled quick and easy access to check her incision and her pulse…plus, she looked adorable! Other moms asked me where I purchased the cute gowns and a light bulb went off: what a great way to give back to the heart community after they had been so supportive of our family. I closed my Etsy shop and began making and donating the hospital shirts (called Peek-A-Boo-Boo) in August 2013; I have donated close to 300 shirts worldwide since then and have dubbed my efforts, The Heal-A-Boo-Boo Project.

WN: How is your daughter?

AH: Thanks for asking! Our daughter has fully recovered and is heart-healthy. Although her heart will never be “fixed,” it is repaired, and doctors expect her to live a long, healthy life. We just welcomed a second daughter in February–who is heart-healthy–and Avery is relishing in being a big sister. Now three-and-a-half, she enjoys helping me make and package the Peek-A-Boo-Boo shirts for other children.

WN: Do you have any plans to sell your clothing to hospitals?

AH: Yes, I am working on selling the clothing to hospitals as many will not take them as donations due to policies accepting donated goods from individuals. I am currently working with a lawyer to determine the patentability of the Peek-A-Boo-Boo shirts and we will go from there.

WN: What are your long-term goals?

AH: I would like to not only sell mass quantities of the Peek-A-Boo-Boo shirts to hospitals, doctors’ offices and clinics, but I also plan to continue donating the shirts to babies and toddlers through The Heal-A-Boo-Boo Project.

WN: Is there anything else that people should know about your endeavor?

AH: The Heal-A-Boo-Boo Project is meant to provide some normalcy for families of babies and toddlers undergoing surgery or other medical treatments. Shirts, legwarmers, bows and shipping fees are funded by private donations and grants, so that patients’ families are not charged. The feedback and gratitude from the families who have received Peek-A-Boo-Boo shirts have been amazing.

Hospital visits are no fun…especially for little ones. Nothing helps make them more comfortable than soft cotton wrapping them in a warm hug while ensuring they don’t miss a stylish, tiny step in the adorable Peek-A-Boo-Boo shirts…and I am thrilled I can help put a smile on their faces.

Best of luck to Amanda as she continues her journey!

Thanks for reading! Remember that we award a grant every month – if interested, please apply today.

And if you’d like to vote for Amanda to win the $2,000 Amber Grant, you can vote for her here.

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