Woman dominate the health and fitness industry. That’s because women take their passion for health and fitness and turn it into a business.
That includes businesses surrounding yoga, Pilates, nutrition, and weight loss (to mention just a few). But the reality is that women in the health and fitness industry are small business owners who are challenged in finding investors, loans or grants for their small businesses. Are you pursuing a business idea on how to help people get healthy? Our February category, “Health and Fitness,” Business Specific Grant might be perfect for you.
We at WomensNet are inspired by women who are driven to use their skills to provide a good or service to benefit their community and who want to invest their time and passions into a purpose-driven business model. We want to see more women doing what they love.
That’s why we give “Business Specific” Grants based on each month’s category — including a grant specific to women in the Health and Fitness industry during the month of February.
Health and Fitness applications can include any subcategory such as:
Pilates & Yoga
Nutrition & Weight Loss
Athletic Recovery
Athletic Equipment
Sports Clubs
Aerobics & Strength Personal Training
Physical & Occupational Therapy
Boxing & Martial Arts
The Amber Grant Fund has grown through the years. That growth is reflected in two ways by the winners below. First, by the increase in the dollar amounts of each grant. Second, by the increase in how many times a grant is given.